Music and different frequencies have profound effects on our minds. I always use certain brainwave entrainment on all my erotic hypnosis files and also on the regular hypnosis and guided meditations I produce because they really help get your brain to the correct state to get the most out of the session. Even the ones I make for entertainment and enjoyment have the frequency tones on them so you will get to the state you need to be for full impact and enjoyment but also you will get some added benefits of things like stress reduction and more focus after. I just put up a full article explaining what the different frequencies can do and how they help you reach those hypnotic and meditational states. I use frequencies designed to put you in theta on most of my erotic hypnosis files, alpha for my guided meditations and for some of my focus music and productivity loops I use beta. I will soon be releasing some music with the various frequencies like those mentioned in the article as well so everyone can try them out for doing their own meditations and self hypnosis when working on their personal goals and growth so keep an eye out for those on my sites.

Music and Frequency