Your subconscious is always trying to give you everything you want but it doesn’t understand your words it understands your FOCUS and ATTENTION so if you are constantly thinking about everything that is wrong with your life guess what? Your subconscious mind will do everything to keep your life full of those things because it thinks that is what you want because you must or why else would you be constantly focused on it. We all have lots of things going on in our lives that can be viewed by us as bad or good but what you FOCUS on is what you will get the most of so learn to let go of the bad and focus on the things you really love the most even if at first it feels like there isn’t anything good, search it out find those things that bring you good feelings and focus on that and watch your life start to change for the better. You only notice a small amount of things in your daily life because your conscious mind just can’t process all the information in your environment at once so your subconscious mind filters and you “see” the things it thinks you want, the things you usually focus on. If when you walk into a room and focus on everything that bothers you about it guess what? That’s all you will ever see, there could be something new you would actually really enjoy right in front of you and you won’t even see it. This is what it means when people say you create your own reality. If you want your life to change you need to change your focus, start being a conscious creator of your world. Really make the effort to see good things around you and when something happens that you enjoy pause and take a moment to notice how that feels, everything about that good moment, how your body feels, the emotions it brings up etc really FOCUS on that good moment and over time watch how you start getting more and more of those really good moments until one day you look around and realize you have completely shifted yourself to a brand new reality and you can keep it going and moving endlessly because you will always discover new things that feel good and you want to experience, there are things that could be in your life that would feel amazing but you can’t even conceive of them yet. Be the conscious creator of your life and remember to always be aware of your focus and attention and watch the whole world shift around you.

Consciously Creating Your Reality